Eibl's Angelfish(Centropyge eibli)
Species InformationCare Level: ModerateTemperament: Semi-aggressiveDiet: OmnivoreReef Compatible: With CautionMax. Size: 6 inchesMinimum Tank Size: 70 gallonsApproximate Purchase Size: 2 to 3 inches
The Eibl's Angelfish is known by many names including the Eibl's Pygmy Angelfish, Orangelined Angelfish, Red Stripe Angelfish, Blacktail Angelfish, and Eibl's Dwarf Angel.
To be successful with the Eibl's Angelfish you should have a well established a 70 gallon or larger aquarium with large amounts of live rock for hiding and grazing. With a tendency to be docile, the Eibl's Angelfish can become more assertive once established. It prefers not to be housed with other Dwarf Angels. It may occasionally nip at sessile invertebrates and clam mantles.
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