Halloween Hermit Crab

Halloween Hermit Crab

Halloween Hermit Crab

Ciliopagurus strigatus

The Halloween Hermit Crab also known as the Striped Hermit Crab or Orange Legged Hermit Crab. It has a bright orange body with red banding. With its unmistakably attractive appearance and the propensity to consume nuisance algae such as green hair and cyanobacteria it is a desired addition to many marine aquariums.

The Halloween Hermit crab is found in the waters of the Indo-Pacific including the Red Sea and Hawaii. They are normally found in shallow coastal waters in sandy areas and not necessarily on the reef itself. This makes the Halloween Hermit Crab an excellent occupant to keep the sandy substrate aerated in a home aquarium.
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Arrow Crab

Arrow Crab

The Arrow Crab also known as the Spider Crab or the Yellow Lined Spider Crab. The Arrow Crab has a small triangular shaped body with exceptionally long legs that make it look like a spider. The colors of the Arrow Crab vary from tan to brown with an iridescent blue stripe running horizontally down the body.

The Arrow Crab is found mostly in the rocky subtidal areas of the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. 
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Emerald Crab

Emerald Crab

Emerald Crab

Mithraculus sculptus

The Emerald Crab is most commonly known for its use in the Marine Aquarium to consume bubble algae and other types of nuisance algae.

The appearance of the Emerald Crab is a characteristic flat shiny Emerald Green shell and hairy legs, the Emerald Crab also has cupped claws that allow it to easily pull algae from rocks and other surfaces. This is a small species of crab normally getting no more than an inch and a half in length.

The Emerald Crab is native to the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic. They are a peaceful tank mate that will not be a bother to most other inhabitants but has been known to eat certain types of coral as will most scavengers. Keeping Emerald Crabs with aggressive or predatory fish may keep them in hiding so they will never come out to graze at all.

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Peppermint Shrimp

Peppermint Shrimp

Peppermint Shrimp

Lysmata wurdemanni

The Peppermint Shrimp also known as the Veined Shrimp or Caribbean Cleaner Shrimp is one of the most popular shrimps in the hobby. It has a well-known reputation as an eater of the widely disgusted and quite common Aiptasia anemone.

Peppermint Shrimp are native to the waters off the Florida in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida Keys. These shrimps are small, even adults rarely grow more than 2” in length and have an off-white body with many crimson red lines that go from head to tail.

Peppermint Shrimp are scavengers and pick its way around your aquarium and live rock to consume detritus, uneaten food, and decomposing organic material. They will also happily take pieces of fresh food and flakes as well. These shrimps have a reputation for eating Aiptasia in the home aquarium, they get this reputation because they are exceptionally good at doing just that. However, once the Aiptasia is consumed it has been documented that in some cases the shrimp then will attempt to eat soft corals and polyps.

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