Benefits of Live Rock in the Reef Aquarium

Benefits of Live Rock in the Reef Aquarium

In a reef aquarium, live rock is the foundation of your ecosystem. It plays an important role in the nitrogen cycle and it houses micro-life that can help to keep your tank clean and livable for its inhabitants.

Live rock is made up of minerals and fossilized coral skeletons.

Live rock is a great source of minerals and trace elements to your aquarium. The most important mineral in live rock is calcium, which contributes to the formation of coral skeletons. Live rock also contains magnesium, iodine, and other trace elements required for proper coral growth. In addition to providing these essential minerals, live rock provides food for corals by providing a habitat for small invertebrates such as amphipods (crustaceans) and copepods (not crustaceans). These tiny creatures can then be consumed by larger marine life like snails or fish that are looking for an easy meal.

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