Sea RobinScientific Name: Prionotus spCare Level: ModerateTemperament: PeacefulDiet: OmnivoreReef Compatible: With CautionMax. Size: 10 to 12 inchesApproximate Purchase Size: 3 to 5 inchesMinimum Tank Size: 100 gallonsNotes: Sea Robins are curious fish that spend most of their time “walking” around the bottom of the bays and coastal areas they call home. Sea Robins get their name from their large wing-like pectoral fins. When excited or threatened, the Sea Robin will fan these fins out to look bigger and help it to blend in with the sandy bottom. These fins open and close while the fish swims much like a bird in flight.Sea Robins are also sometimes called Gurnards, a name that imitates the frog-like grunt that these fish can produce when they are threatened, excited, or possibly even communicating with other fish. This sound is produced by a specialize muscle that beats or rubs against the fish's swim bladder. While the Sea Robins are not nearly as dangerous as these scorpionfish, they do have mildly venomous spines at the edges of the gill covers and on the dorsal fins that are used as a defense against predators.